Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11, 3.11.300 (1993-10-21)


General information
File format
  • Floppy Disc
Bootable No
Architecture 16-Bit
  • English

Install information
Full buildtag 3.11.300 (1993-10-21)
BIOS date 22/10/1993
Product Key n/a


There aren't new applications included since the previous build, in setup however there has been a small change, removing the # from the Disk #x.
It also includes a different bootscreen, but this was input not by Microsoft but by the group that released this build, but is as ugly as hell.


MD5 Floppy 01: 32BF158579ADAB3C7F6ABC7565B9CCA3
MD5 Floppy 02: 76A57A2CAE4B66D83A24AC9B5C61144C
MD5 Floppy 03: AC5E59286874F7EE3554B32E72DB0481
MD5 Floppy 04: 94B1FD1F63E71EA86AC4C2B9E219CA52
MD5 Floppy 05: 6EE734188BB9FDBF596C2C1A36092DC3
MD5 Floppy 06: 7C92E4FAF78F242443914EA382DC2F63
MD5 Floppy 07: 913878370C4E750A9CA9F5419CE6FAF1
MD5 Floppy 08: 528FFB69B47ACDDE1ABE3E1193ECEBF4

Screenshots (97)

There are more images available in the gallery.