Microsoft Windows 8.1 for IoT, 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm_iotbuild.140925-1000)


General information
File format
  • Windows Imaging Format (.WIM)
Bootable No
Architecture x86
  • English
  • IoT Core

Install information
Full buildtag 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm_iotbuild.140925-1000)
Based 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)
BIOS date 26/09/2014
Product Key n/a


SHA-1 English: 7297199667F723F30C314143969A9B61ECE10081


When using VMware Workstation or equivalent which supports UEFI use the following steps:
1) Create a 32-bit VM with Windows 8 as the operating system and make sure that in the Virtual Machine settings UEFI is enabled under Advanced.
2) Boot with a 32-bit Windows 8 or higher DVD.
3) Press SHIFT + F10 to open the Command Prompt.

4) Type in the following commands in order:
-) diskpart
-) select disk 0
-) create partition primary
-) select partition 1
-) format fs=fat32 quick
-) assign letter=c
-) exit

5) Mount a Compact Disc with the WIM image file on it (in this example it is called ''Galileo.wim'').

6) Type in the following command: DISM /Apply-Image /ImageFile:D:\Galileo.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:C:\
Let it process it and then just exit the Windows PE and it reboots into the IOT Operating System.

It should boot you into the Command Prompt, if not, use ALT+TAB (a few times) to switch to the right screen.

Screenshots (3)

There are more images available in the gallery.