Microsoft Windows 3.1, 3.1.026


General information
File format
  • Floppy Disc
Bootable No
Architecture 16-Bit
  • English

Install information
Full buildtag 3.1.026
BIOS date 06/04/1991
Product Key n/a


We already see a massive change in the UI from Windows 3.0, but the bootscreen is the same but reading 3.1 instead of 3.0.
It uses color icons, some in 3D others in a flat style, it uses purple instead of blue title bars.


MD5 Floppy 01: 06FD86A770F617CE59EDFF5783FFA85C
MD5 Floppy 02: A5697F7B8169F6828288DBFD5F168908
MD5 Floppy 03: CBE178891A658A3789A6A794315A396E
MD5 Floppy 04: 6B1D62EC17BA9A2D203546EB85B66ABE
MD5 Floppy 05: 3DC2817921169B8E3A1C2E84798907F2
MD5 Floppy 06: CD3B97F67612059E9172DBDF8CA65A26

Screenshots (63)

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